Tag Archives: colds

Boost Your Immunity with Yoga Practice

There’s a good chance that you (like most people) spend a lot of your time around large groups of people; in the office, in class, shopping, etc. And, we all know that along with shared experiences and shared conversation come shared colds, viruses and flues. Perhaps you already do a lot of things to avoid catching them, e.g.; taking vitamin C, eating foods rich in immunity-boosting phyto-nutrients, trying to get enough sleep and washing your hands regularly. But, one approach to preventative health that you might not be taking full advantage of is regular yoga practice. Studies have shown excessive stress to be a key factor in lowering your resistance to any disease, from the common cold to life-threatening afflictions like cancer, heart disease and diabetes, to name a few. Yoga practice will tackle stress head-on by moving your mind and body away from a state of dis-ease into one of balance, ease and invigoration.

If you are a student of yoga or have even taken one class, you know from experience how much it can help you release tension and calm down. And, the feeling of peace that yoga produces does a lot more for your overall health than just to help you unwind. When your body is fully relaxed, your immune system can focus on fighting off only the particular infections and intruders that it needs to, rather than overreacting to your entire environment. Whenever you’re stressed out, your immune system will tend to lash out even at harmless irritants, making it more difficult to fight the actual bugs and germs that you’re exposed to.

A great example of just how powerful your body can be if it’s left to its own resources can be integrated into your practice by meditating on your body’s reaction to its environment. Inquire as to whether you feel hot or cold for instance, and make a mental note of how you’re registering those sensations. Do they seem pleasant, painful or are you able to simply observe them without judgment?

The next step would be to consider how to change that. Reactivity is major cause of stress, prompting you to feel as if things are happening to you, and that you’re just a helpless victim. You can change this by starting to practice thought patterns that move your mind away from a reactive position. For instance, if you feel cold, notice how consciously drawing breath fully into your body creates the sensation of warmth spreading throughout your cells. If you’re feeling too hot, curl you tongue and exhale through your mouth, feeling the heat dissipate as the warm air leaves your body. Each moment of your practice offers a new choice. By cultivating insightful understanding, rather than just reacting or judging, you’ll begin to learn to choose the most efficient, effective ways to fill that asana with precisely what is available to you in that given moment. So, instead of reacting and stressing out, you can then relax into each asana; opening new spaces in your body, encouraging better circulation and the absorption of prana, which aids your body in coming to its own defense, without interference.

Try the following asanas to ward off the sniffles and sneezes, build your immune system and improve your overall health:

  • *Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose): This asana releases tension from the shoulders and opens the chest to facilitate deep breathing, relieving congestion and helping to make you less vulnerable to germs. It is recommended you stay in this pose for one minute, then release slowly and repeat on the other side.
  • *Balasana (Child’s Pose): This is a basic restorative asana that is very effective at helping your body to relax, which powers up your immune system. Remain in this pose for at least 30 seconds up to a few minutes.
  • *Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose): This gentle backward bend helps bring oxygen into your body, delivering it all the way down to the cellular level which greatly helps you fight off illness.  It’s best to stay in the asana for 15 to 30 seconds, then release.

Additional tips…

Practice regularly and stay on schedule. This may be easier if you join a yoga class where you have an encouraging instructor and the support of others. Working with your body’s biological clock (re-setting it as necessary) will help your immune system function optimally.

Cleanse your sinuses and nasal passages. Nasal irrigation using a saline wash (Neti pot) can help reduce your vulnerability to infections, colds and other upper respiratory problems. See this post for more, click on: Jala Neti – De-mystified…(Video).

Remember that your physical health is quite often a reflection of your mental state. Do your best not to get distracted by pressure. Resist overreacting to sensations or situations. And, don’t worry about anything you can’t fix! Most things you might view as “problems” are really challenges and/or suggestions; meant to help you discover new directions in your life.

The Miracle of Oatmeal Water

The “Oatmeal Water” remedy suggested in this article provides you with a great tool for quick relief and healing from from head and chest colds, sinus and ear infections, or practically anything involving your mucous membranes.

Oatmeal Water

  • 4 heaping Tbsp. (or more – I use a large handful) oatmeal
  • 4 quarts of water

Use organic rolled oats, (not instant; they lack the slippery smoothness that is so important here). Bring the water to a boil, add oatmeal, reduce heat to simmer and cook slowly for 20 minutes, remove from heat and let sit until almost cool, whisk mixture and strain out the oatmeal; the cloudy water that’s left is oatmeal water. Shake well before pouring into a glass. Feel free to drink copious quantities of this oatmeal water all day long; it produces clean, clear and healthy mucous that flushes out the old mucous that is contaminated with all sorts of stuff, including pus; this old mucus is a breeding ground for bacterial and viral infection. Keep yourself supplied with new batches of this oatmeal water until you are completely recovered and have no more symptoms.

The water from oats cooked this way is mucilaginous and offers a gentle slipperiness to our mucous membranes, aiding greatly in cleansing the tissues of the mouth, nose, sinus cavities, throat and lungs. It also detoxifys and eliminates the nasty, sticky and toxic mucous coating that is over-acidic and loaded with germs. Gone will be the days of dry, sore nostrils when you can’t keep from sneezing and blowing your nose. No scratchy throat either. You’ll cough up and expel large amounts of unhealthy mucous, replacing it with an uncontaminated, slippery and healthy mucous.

What do we need mucous for?

When the body needs to rid itself of bacteria, viruses or other intruders, white blood cells hunt them down and envelop them in mucous – just like the bees encase all hive invaders in wax to keep them contained. This mucous is then expelled by the strong forced ‘exhales’ called coughs and sneezes to help the contaminated mucous leave the body. It’s a very effective and self- sufficient system as long as we encourage it to follow its natural course. Whenever we suppress this function with anti-histamines and other medications (which may provide temporary relief from the symptoms), this unnatural treatment method will likely counter the body’s natural healing power allowing the actual ailment to linger for days – even weeks.

Furthermore, a clean, clear mucous is also necessary to coat the mucous membranes, soothing these sensitive tissues and keeping them from drying out, becoming sore, or even bleeding.

Testimonies to the effectiveness of this remedy…

Oatmeal water is mentioned by Jethro Kloss in his classic 70’s book “Back to Eden”.  He had read in a daily paper “…that the Great Northern Railroad had a very urgent piece of road to make. They hired a big crew of men and worked them fourteen hours a day. Instead of giving them ordinary water to drink, they gave them oatmeal water to drink, and the newspaper stated that not one man was off work on account of sickness, and it stated that never before has there been such a wonderful, healthy experience in the entire history of railroads.”

From an anonymous source…”When my daughter was 4 years old she had a very rare and deadly disease called Kawasaki’s which primarily affects only Japanese children (she is a blond and blue eyed Caucasian). She could not take anything by mouth, not even water and had a fever that ranged from 105 to 107 degrees. The doctors could not do any more for her and gave up telling me she would die. I started giving her eyedroppers full of oatmeal water, and within hours she could take teaspoon fulls, the next day she was able to drink the oatmeal water from a glass. Within 4 more days her body temperature was normal and she was released from the hospital. The doctors predicted she would suffer heart and brain defects as a result, and none of that happened. She is now 35 years old and the proud mother of my 3 year old granddaughter. IMHO, oatmeal water saved her life!”

Additional notes:

It is recommended you drink oatmeal water whenever you feel “out of sorts” or if you’re in the company of others who are sick, sneezing, coughing, etc. Keep in mind, this as much a preventative as a cure, it lubricates the whole system including the entire digestive track.

Oatmeal water can also be used in a multitude of other ways, including a soup base or an ingredient in a smoothie, so be creative.