Tag Archives: plant-based diet

Principles of Health and Natural Healing

Our health is determined by factors that are created (in part) from our environment. Imagine a spinning wheel in which we are the center or hub; at the outer rim (or periphery) is our natural environment and all its associated energies, e.g.; the sun, the air, water, soil etc. Within this are the spokes, our more immediate environment which includes the geographical area of the earth we live in and its climate and further in it becomes more specific, whether we live in the city or the country, our chosen profession and social relations etc. It is within these very environments that we think, plan and act every day.

So our thoughts and our actions could very well be considered “products” of our environment, as well as the food we eat. Our food becomes a concentrated form of the environment that we internalize three or more times per day. Our everyday thoughts and actions constitute our “lifestyle” and this lifestyle determines our choice of food. And the reverse is true, the foods we choose to eat, in turn affect our lifestyle (thoughts and actions).

Now consider this; our environment, our lifestyle and the foods we eat all combine to create and maintain our current state of health. When we get these things in balance, when our lifestyle and diet are in harmony with our environment, we will experience optimal health. If however, we allow them to become unbalanced or extreme, we lose our harmonious relationship with our environment and sickness will probably be the result. If we persist in this, we will surely develop serious illness and/or chronic disease.

The principles of natural healing are based on positive change and balance. Change, being the law of life, is inevitable and constant. It’s the motivating force and the order of the universe. Fortunately, as manifestations of the universe, we humans have the built-in ability to cause or initiate change through our choices. Each and every one of us is granted the inherent power to change direction, leaving sickness behind and embarking on the road to health and wellness. But first, for healing to begin, we must realize and accept that change is possible and act upon that realization.

The old adage “we are what we eat!” starts to ring true, our daily food and drink really are the actual source of our physical makeup. Our entire bodies, our blood, our cells, muscles, organs, tissues, bones and glands are sustained and renewed by the transformation of the minerals, proteins, lipids, enzymes, water, and other nutrients that we consume on a daily basis. Therefore, whenever we consider any aspect of our physical health, it is necessary that we carefully review the choices we have made in regard to what we put in our bodies.

People are beginning to wake up to the fact that many of  today’s health problems are directly related to the repeated and continuous consumption of meat, eggs, cheese, poultry, and other animal-based foods. Cancers, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and a host of other chronic and deadly diseases are the result of two problems; quantity and quality. Let’s look at quantity; people are eating a lot more animal products now than they did several generations ago, far beyond what is reasonable even for meat eaters. Meats and other animal products have essentially become the mainstay of the modern American diet.

Looking at quality; today’s artificially inseminated, hormone boosted and antibiotic fed livestock bear little resemblance to their natural, grass fed, free range predecessors. The arrival of “Mad Cow” disease and the subsequent European community’s refusal to accept imports of hormone fed American beef emphasizes just how deadly (pun intended) serious these issues have become.

Commercially raised, indoor-caged poultry products, especially chickens and turkeys are becoming increasingly problematic; even more so since extensive advertizing has many people believing chicken and turkey to be “healthy” alternatives to red meat. These birds become so weak and susceptible to infections that they require regular doses of increasingly stronger antibiotics, just to keep them alive. Additionally, they are fed synthetic growth hormones to speed their growth and breast development. One result of these practices, according to one study, is that as up to 95% of the commercially raised chickens on their way to market have at least one type of cancer! Without a doubt, chickens from a modern poultry farm are not a health food as claimed by the industry.

Let’s just suppose someone we care about is facing a health crisis (and there might be more than one), and we know they are overly reliance on a diet of animal products. What can we do to help them change their situation into its opposite, one of healing and improving health? Obviously, the first step would be to encourage them to convert from an animal-based to a plant-based diet.

Contrary to animal products, plant-based foods enhance, rather than inhibit, healing and regeneration of tissue. Daily dietary choices are the central issue in our lifestyle as a whole. They can be viewed as a reflection of our priorities and our way of looking at society, nature, and the universe. Dietary change, combined with an understanding of harmony and balance, can serve as the focus, initiating a positive change in our lifestyle. Unhealthy choices can be reviewed and changed into healthy ones, and then they can be brought into proper alignment with natural harmony, befitting us and our environment.

Of related interest, click on the following…

The Advantages of a Plant-Based Diet (Pt. 1)

The Advantages of a Plant-Based Diet (Pt. 2)

The Advantages of a Plant-Based Diet (Pt. 3)

*Rae Indigo is ERYT500 

High Blood Pressure – Yoga Lowers the Numbers!

When most people think of yoga asana (poses) flexibility, relaxation and perhaps meditation come to mind. Using yoga practice for a system of healing the body seldom enters the mind of those living in the Western hemisphere. In spite of today’s prevailing reliance on prescription medicines here in the US, yoga has been practiced for thousands of years to remain healthy and free from disease. Concerns like high blood pressure (HBP), a condition the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC) calls “The Silent Killer”, have been dealt with in the East using this using this ancient system of healing.

One in three Americans has high blood pressure, according to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. High blood pressure (aka hypertension) is frequently a precursor to heart disease and stroke, the number one killer of Americans. Specific yoga poses are known to be beneficial exercises for high blood pressure.

According to the US National Library of Medicine – National Institutes of Health: “Yoga therapy is a multifunctional exercise modality with numerous benefits. Not only does yoga reduce high BP but it has also been demonstrated to effectively reduce blood glucose level, cholesterol level, and body weight, major problems affecting the American society.” 

Lowering the BP numbers

In the United States, someone dies approximately every 33 seconds from heart disease, according to UMMC. The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends exercise, stress management and weight management to prevent high blood pressure, thereby lowering the risk of heart disease. Yoga helps with all three of these recommendations.

High Blood Pressure – Yoga Lowers the Numbers!Yoga practice has been shown to lower blood pressure, especially the diastolic score, according to the American Yoga Association (AYA). Blood pressure is measured as two numbers, a systolic score written over a diastolic score. The systolic number is the measure of blood pressure while the heart is beating (pumping blood). Diastolic refers to the blood pressure reading between beats. The AYA states that the diastolic number is the most important. Additionally, according to the Mayo Clinic, people with high diastolic blood pressure frequently develop high systolic blood pressure too. 

Yoga works to reduce high blood pressure through promoting relaxation of the mind and body. Practicing yoga helps eliminate the negative impacts of stress, including tension, shallow breathing and an elevated heart rate. And according to Prevention magazine, it also improves physical strength and flexibility, plus it’s found to assist with weight loss.

Asanas most beneficial to high blood pressure

Certain yoga asanas are therapeutic and lower high blood pressure, according to Yoga Journal. Genereally speaking, asanas that do not invert the body are beneficial for people with high blood pressure. Calming restorative yoga asanas are particularly useful for reducing stress and lowering blood pressure naturally, as are intensive stretching poses like leg stretches and hip openers. If you’re new to yoga, practice asanas that put the spine in a horizontal position, which allows the heart to slow down, as it takes less effort to pump the blood to the brain. Sitting positions and lying asanas like Baddhakonasana (butterfly pose), Virasana (hero pose), and Upavista Konasana (seated wide angle forward bend pose) are very useful (and generally safe) for people with high blood pressure.

The more commonly known poses like Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward facing dog) and Sukhasana (easy pose) are beneficial, but so are some lesser known exercises like the following…

* – Paschimottanasana (seated forward bend)Sit with legs straight and pressed together. Exhale through the nose and bend forward at the hips. Keep the back straight and reach for the toes.

* – Ustrasana (camel pose)Kneel on the floor. Exhale and a

Nooch – Excellent Source of B12 for Vegan’s and Vegetarians

First, what is “Nooch?”

Nooch is slang for “good tasting nutritional yeast”, a yeast that is deactivated (meaning it has no fermenting ability). It is produced by culturing pure strains of yeast with a mixture of sugarcane and beet molasses, it’s then dried, and packaged as flakes, both large and small. Despite this process, there are no glucose or gluten concerns and it cannot cause or contribute to Candida yeast infections. So, nutritional yeast flakes are generally considered okay for those on yeast free diets.

One of the things that many strict plant-based vegetarians and vegans report having a hard time giving up is cheese, and the main reason nooch is so popular with many of them is due to its “cheesy” flavor.  Since both B12 and dairy are ruled out once you commit to an entirely plant-based diet, you can see why something that offers the best of both worlds is so enticing. Furthermore, nobody needs cheese to survive, but everyone does need vitamin B12 and it is the only vitamin that is not recognized as being reliably supplied from a varied whole food, plant-based die.

Because nutritional yeast is a type of fungus, similar to mushrooms but not like Candida, it won’t produce its vitamin B12 on its own, it requires bacteria to create it.

Bragg’s and Red Star are both popular brands that put out a B12 fortified nutritional yeast that can be found in many health food stores and in some grocers bulk sections, you can also order it online. Bob’s Red Mill also has packaged yeast products that are fortified with B12. Always check individual ingredient labels to make sure of the nutritional content.

Good nutritional yeasts are naturally fat and sodium free and will supply “the essentials for life.” The following is a brief list of what you can expect to get when you include nutritional yeast in your diet…

• A complete and digestible protein, with essential and non-essential amino acids.

• B complex vitamins.

• Macro- and micro-minerals.

• Complex carbohydrates (beta-1,3 glucan and mannan).

• Glutathione, an intracellular antioxidant.

• Phospholipids such as lecithin.

What does it look and taste like?

It looks like yellow dried flakes (it may sound a bit gross but the flaky texture looks similar to fish food). Nutritional yeast isn’t anything like the chemical and preservative filled faux cheese mixes. It’s delicious, with kind of a nutty/cheesy flavor.

How do you use it?

You can add it to just about anything and everything. You can put it in a shaker and literally sprinkle it on all your meals…soups, veggies, salads, etc. One of the most common uses is in place of parmesan cheese, and it’s a fantastic topping for popcorn.

Nutritional yeast is much more than just a condiment. You can use it in recipes for a cheesy flavor without and dairy; mashed potatoes are one good example. And, if you want to make a healthy (and tasty) vegan cheesy sauce or spread, nooch is definitely the go-to ingredient.

Recipe idea – A great vegan “cheesy” flavored dip/spread…

1 Can – 15½ oz. Great Northern, Navy or Cannellini Beans (drained)

½ Cup – Roasted Red Pepper (or Pimiento)

3 Tbsp. – Nutritional Yeast

3 Tbsp. – Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice

3 Tbsp. – Tahini

1 tsp. – Sea salt

1 tsp. – Yellow Mustard

1 tsp. – Onion Powder or Granulated Onion (not onion salt)

Put everything in a food processor and blend until smooth. Store in fridge for up to a week.

Tip: Try adding one roasted Jalapeno pepper for a little extra punch!

Of related interest, click on:

The Advantages of a Plant-Based Diet (Pt. 1)

The Advantages of a Plant-Based Diet (Pt. 2)

The Advantages of a Plant-Based Diet (Pt. 3)

The Advantages of a Plant-Based Diet (Pt. 3)

Part 3 of this series continues with “Some unexpected benefits of eating a plant-based diet.”


A lot of people who claim to be vegetarian eat more than simple plant-based foods and a little research will show that there are many different types of vegetarian diets and the four most common ones are:

1.    Vegan – Strictly plant based: No animal flesh, no eggs, and no dairy products are allowed.

2.    Lacto-vegetarian – Mostly plant-based: No animal flesh or eggs, but dairy products are OK.

3.    Lacto-ovo-vegetarian – Partly plant-based: No animal flesh but dairy products and eggs are OK.

4.     Pescatarian – Questionably whether vegetarian (The Vegetarian Society, does not recognize pescatarians as true vegetarians): Pescatarians eat no animal flesh except seafood; dairy products and eggs are optional.

The rest of the text in this article (and the preceding two articles) applies to veganism or a strict plant-based diet as opposed to the “vegetarian” types (2, 3, & 4) mentioned above.


In an analysis published in 2009 in the American Journal of Cardiology, researchers noted that plant-based diets are associated with:

• Lower levels of triglycerides

• Lower concentrations of inflammatory markers such as C-reative protein (CRP)

• Lower blood pressure

Decreased body weight and body mass index (BMI)

Decreased risk of premature death from any cause, including heart disease

Improved insulin sensitivity

Better blood sugar control in patients with diabetes

The heart benefits of eating more plant foods are well-established by large-scale studies such as the “Nurses’ Health Study” and the “Health Professionals Follow-up Study.” These studies show that people who eat the most fruits and vegetables have a 20% reduced risk of heart disease and a 27% reduced risk of dying from cardiovascular disease, especially stroke.

The American Dietetic Association and Dietitians of Canada say that plant-based diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Vegans also have substantially lower rates of the following health problems:

• Heart disease

Blood cholesterol levels

Blood pressure


Type 2 (adult-onset) diabetes

Prostate cancer

Colon cancer

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), a nonprofit organization of doctors and others promoting preventive medicine, recommends a quality plant-based diet for the treatment and prevention of many health conditions.

Some of the world’s populations are known to have extraordinary long, healthy and happy lives. There are areas in the world where disease is virtually unknown, even in the oldest persons. Studies have shown that their exceptional health is largely attributed to low-calorie, plant-based, whole foods diets. Genetics are ruled out as a significant factor because when these same people are exposed to Western-style diets they quickly develop the same diseases common to Westerners.

Okay, so here are some unexpected benefits of eating a plant-based diet.

You’ll be doing a huge favor for the environment: Most people don’t realize it, but our insatiable appetite for animal protein contributes 50% more greenhouse gases than our planes, trains, trucks, cars and ships? Needless to say, our environment benefits greatly every time someone cuts animal foods out of their diet.

You’ll feel more connected to your higher (or spiritual) self: Not getting nearly enough fiber is one pitfall of eating the standard American diet, and that equates to sluggishness. When provided with the valuable fiber found in a plant-based diet your body is better able to cleanse itself and space is opened up within. Whenever someone upgrades to a plant-based diet, this naturally brings about a desire to connect to our source and our highest self.  When we can be our truest selves then we are in the best position to share our inherent gifts with others.

Compassion naturally arises in someone when they stop eating meat: This isn’t meant to imply that you didn’t care about animals before, but I’ll bet you didn’t know (and probably didn’t want to know) what was actually happening to the cows, pigs, and chickens before they turned up in your supermarket. Two billion animals suffer and then are killed every week just so they can show up on our dinner plates. It’s unconscionable.

You’ll be saving money: By eating an assortment of veggies, whole grains, beans and legumes as the base for your meals is actually quite cost effective. That difference makes up for the slightly higher priced organic produce, you’ll be comfortable knowing it’s an investment in your long-term health and that can mean big savings.

Creativity is enhanced: Cleaning up your diet and switching to plant-based foods will bring about a profound change in your creative expression. Your thinking will be clearer and new and inspiring ideas will come in abundance.

You’ll lose unwanted weight: Nearly all plant-based foods are much less caloric and very dense nutritionally, a sure “win-win” situation for weight loss. You’ll likely never feel deprived when eating this way, and quite possibly you’ll feel satisfied more quickly because your body is telling your brain it’s getting what it needs.

In summary: Contrary to popular myth, vegans have healthy bones and higher blood protein levels than omnivores. Vegans in fact average fewer nutrient deficiencies than average omnivores. But there are a couple important nutritional considerations. There are two vitamins not readily available in plants: vitamins D and B-12…Unless you live in the extreme northern (or southern) hemisphere, you can get ample vitamin D from the sun, and very little sun exposure is needed to provide your body’s needs. A natural source of vitamin B-12 can be found in nutritional yeasts. One brand of nutritional yeast, Red Star, has been tested and shown to contain active vitamin B-12. Those sensitive to other yeasts can also use it. Also recommended for vegans are algae-based long chain omega 3 fatty acids.

*Of related interest, click on: The Advantages of a Plant-Based Diet (Pt. 1)

& The Advantages of a Plant-Based Diet (Pt. 2)


The Advantages of a Plant-Based Diet (Pt. 2)

Part 2 of this series continues with “Reasons why you should eat plant-based diet.”

Ever since the introduction of documentaries such as “Forks Over Knives” (click on – trailer), “Vegucated” (trailer), and “Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead” (full documentary), American’s are being exposed to the ever growing list of benefits of eating a plant-based diet. At first the claims may seem doubtful that a plant-based diet will greatly decrease your chances of Cardiovascular disease (aka heart disease), reduce or eliminate your risk of cancer, help you to shed those unwanted pounds. Additionally, plant-based diet has been shown to be an effective solution for type II diabetics and those with osteoporosis have seen it reversed. Simply stated, a diet high in animal protein is disastrous to our health, while a plant-based (vegan) diet prevents disease and is restorative to our health. And doctors and nutritional scientists say this with peer-reviewed (the gold standard of studies) science to back them up.

People are also finding that going vegan is much more than being selective about what you are eating. When you convert to a plant-based diet you are literally saving hundreds of animals’ lives each year, you’re helping preserve our Earth’s fragile environment and you’re being kind to your body in the process.  You’ll experience a fundamental philosophical shift in your mind, body and spirit, resulting in an overall transformation of yourself. It will change your life.

Now on to the reasons why you should eat plant-based diet…

Eating plant-based foods will be a tremendous aid for you to attain, maintain or regain an optimal state of health. Undeniable medical evidence has now shown conclusively that a whole foods plant-based diet is instrumental in preventing and/or reversing a plethora of diseases and conditions, including inflammation, anxiety, depression, Lupus, MS, Diabetes, Osteoporosis, and the list goes on. The China Study which surveyed over 6,500 people from over 65 countries remains the largest and most comprehensive study of nutrition ever conducted and proves beyond a doubt that a plant-based diet is prolonging lives. After the publication of this book, there’s not much room left for debate.

Cancer prevention. Because Cancers originate from your body’s damaged cells, it is critical to preserve the health of those cells and in today’s world this is both a challenge and your responsibility. “The science base is very strong that fruits and vegetables are protective for all the gastrointestinal cancers and all the smoking-related cancers,” to quote Tim Byers, professor of preventive medicine at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center in Denver.

Constipation and bowel disorders. What a worthwhile benefit a plant-based diet is for a country that spends millions on pharmaceuticals, supplements, vitamins, herbs and laxatives all so that you can loosen your stool and become regular. This condition can be prevented or reversed simply by changing your diet; when you eat a healthy plant-based diet, regularity is greatly enhanced, resulting in much lower incidence of colon cancer and other diseases of the colon. 

Compassion for animals. As stated above, each and every individual will be saving hundreds of animals from inhumane treatment and slaughter by going vegan. There is no such thing as a ‘kind slaughter’ as some in the meat industry would have you believe and this even includes those animals that graze exclusively. The documentary “Earthlings” (

The Advantages of a Plant-Based Diet (Pt. 1)

This post begins a three part series discussing the advantages and benefits of a plant-based diet:

Part 1 – The philosophical and ethical reasons to eat a plant-based diet instead of consuming animal products.

Part 2 – Reasons why everyone should consider eating a plant-based diet.

Part 3 – Some unexpected benefits of eating A plant-based diet

We begin with Part 1 – As yogis, yoginis and students of yoga begin to seek liberation, they strive to perfect their actions and in so doing they quickly come to realize that every action is preceded by a thought. To perfect an action, thoughts must first be perfected. So, you might ask, what are perfect thoughts? Perfect thoughts are ones that are devoid of selfish motives; they’re free of anger, greed, hate, jealousy, etc.

Adopting a compassionate vegetarian diet is a good place to start if you truly intend to move toward a transcendental reality and have a lighter impact on the planet. Not everyone practices yoga asana (poses) every day, but everyone eats. And therefore everyone has the opportunity to practice compassion three times a day when they sit down to eat. This is one of the main reasons so many yoga practitioners and students choose make the change and become vegetarians.

This article is focused primarily on ethical vegetarians and foremost in the list of reasons they eat only plant-based food is in order to show compassion toward animals and other sentient beings which in turn benefits the entire planet. There are those who say they are vegetarians but still consume milk products, eggs, and fish. These are actually not strict vegetarians but “lacto-ovo” vegetarians (milk & eggs) and “pescatarians” (includes fish) and ethical vegetarians do not consume any dairy products, eggs, or fish because these are not plant-based and eating them causes great suffering to other beings and the planet. Vegans are ethical vegetarians who endeavor to extend their ethics to include not just what they eat but everything they use: including (but not limited to) food, clothing, medicine, fuel, and entertainment. When using the term vegetarianism in this article, keep in mind that refers to ethical vegetarianism or veganism.

Many, if not most meat eaters defend their food choices by claiming that it is natural, because in a natural, wild state animals eat one another. Whenever people bring this up as a rationale for eating meat, they need to be reminded that the animals that end up on their table aren’t those who eat one another in the wild. The animals that are exploited for food aren’t the lions, tigers, and bears of the world. We eat the passive ones, the vegan animals that, when given free choice, would never even think of eating the flesh of other animals, although sadly, they are forced to do just that on today’s factory farms where they are fed “enriched feed” containing dead, rendered animal parts.

The majority of Americans believe a plant-based (or vegan) diet is difficult to follow. But what does difficult mean when compared to suffering and eventually dying from heart disease caused by an animal diet high in saturated fats and cholesterol? Even so, many people will still choose to go through invasive bypass surgery or have a breast, colon section, or kidney removed. And/or they may opt to take powerful pharmaceutical drugs for the rest of their lives rather than change their diets – all because they mistakenly think veganism is drastic and extreme. Do these who choose to eat meat ever consider how difficult it is for the animals who suffer degrading confinement and cruel slaughter, dying for their dining convenience and the satisfaction of their appetites?

When yoga practitioners and students begin following the yamas prescribed in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, they begin to realize that suffering is inevitable only to those who are unenlightened (or turn a blind eye) about the truth, which exists to connect us all. Real responsibility means realizing that our own actions bring about the situation we live in and that is reflected in the first yama “Ahimsa” (non-harming). Yoga practice has the potential to heal the one common disease that we are all suffering from; the disease of disconnection. War, destruction of the environment, extinction of species, and even domestic violence, all of these originate as a result of the disease of disconnection. Others can only be abused and exploited by those who are disconnected from them and have no idea about the potent consequences inherent in their own actions. When someone feels connected, they know it’s them, as well as other living things, who will suffer from the anguish they inflict.

Eating meat and consuming animal products is a long-standing (and generally accepted) habit in American culture. Many Western yoga practitioners will argue that they have to eat meat and that they need the protein to keep up the strength required for a physically challenging asana practice. Ironically, Sri K. Pattabhi

Introduction to Blue-Green Algae (an overview)

According to science, this world we live in has existed for about 4.5 billion years; spinning in space while continuously evolving, giving us life as we know it today. Suddenly, almost miraculously, something fascinating happened! Approximately 3 billion years ago, a single celled micro-organism began an incredible journey, exploding into a diverse biota of blue-green algae; commonly known today as marine or aquatic phytoplankton.

Well over 70% of our earth’s oxygen supply comes from these microscopic organisms. They possess a unique and amazing ability to utilize the energy of sunlight to drive the process of photosynthesis which in turn synthesizes oxygen…and without oxygen, life on our planet would be absolutely impossible.

Although I am using the term “blue-green algae,” (aka, chlorella and spirulina and their kin) they are actually cyanobacteria. Cyanobacteria are classified as bacteria because their genetic material is not organized in a membrane-bound nucleus. And, unlike other types of bacteria, they contain chlorophyll and use the sun as their energy source, in much the same way plants and other forms of algae and seaweed do.

So it comes as no surprise that because of blue-green algae’s evolutionary history and its longevity, a huge amount of interest and science has been directed towards aquatic phytoplankton over these past thirty to forty years. And this research is not just conducted by oceanographic and other aqua explorers. Forty years ago, when the research began, it was preliminary, mostly based on supposition and anecdotal evidence about the potential health benefits of using phytoplankton as a viable food source.

But now, the most recent findings are nothing short of incredible! Advanced molecular technology shows that these ‘plankton’, also contain an array of the most potent and powerful biological substances known to mankind; being of great benefit to our bodies as well as our earth.

Blue-green algae is unparalleled in the animal and plant kingdoms because of its biological efficiency and effectiveness, delivering the highest vitamin, mineral, and phytonutrient content per gram than almost any other substance known! These humble phytoplankton continue to amaze and inspire scientists and laypeople alike…They contain up to 60% protein by weight, compared to 22% for beef, and please keep in mind, that once beef is even slightly cooked, it contains 50% less protein leaving only 11%! Heating, frying, grilling, basically adding any high heat, even for a short amount of time, destroys almost all of the protein content found in animal and fish meats.

Another (relatively new) discovered fact, is that they are now considered a “complete” protein source; containing all nine of the essential amino acids that we cannot produce in our own bodies, and these amino acids are contained in great abundance in every single cell of these phytoplankton. Additionally they include almost every other element in the “Periodic Table of Elements;” each one in proper balance and totally bio-available to your body, almost instantly upon ingestion!

From a biological standpoint, they are the richest, most nutritionally dense food source on the planet. It’s no wonder then that people’s lives and their health have been transformed forever, when they begin supplementing with blue-green algae on a regular, daily basis!

This begs the question of why we don’t hear much about this, if only for our own health. Well, one primary reason is the harvester/producers don’t have as big a voice, lobbying power or nearly as much money, as the dairy, beef, and poultry industries have! Another reason may be that these potent micro-organisms just don’t seem as appetizing or as friendly to eat” to the modern day palate, especially when compared to most of the other things people are tempted to eat. Most people prefer their food cooked (or dead) before they eat it, even if it’s a powerful and nutritious substance that might well be the key to attaining and maintaining optimal health.

Today, some forty years later, through science and technology we’re finally discovering the truth about these “aquatic phytoplankton.” Chlorella, spirulina and other blue-green algae may just become the next “evolutionary” food, while at the same time, becoming our most effective agent for fighting disease. We currently live in a chemical world, and we’re confronted by toxins everywhere we go. Fortunately, these microscopic miracles are also known to be powerful natural detoxifiers, and purifiers; they can even eliminate radiation and heavy metal toxins from deep within our bodies, down to a cellular level.

One of the best products on the market today is E3live – a type of “wild” blue-green algae known as Aphanizomenon Flos-Aqua (AFA for short) that grows in the glacier fed Klamath Lake in Oregon, which is extremely mineral rich. E3Live, is a wild-grown, organic, USDA approved, certified kosher liquid super-food that has more blood-building, oxygen-attracting chlorophyll than any other food substance. It has every mineral, all the B vitamins including Vitamin B12 (human active) and is a complete protein. E3Live%

Summer – The Time for Healthy, Cleansing Foods

Everyone knows summer is the season of the sun, outdoor activities, and vacations. Summer is also the best season for plenty of good healthy, detox foods. All produce is best when we can find and buy it locally grown and in its freshest state, which supports both our community and the environment. In most of North America summer is the season of fresh fruit and vegetables, including those nutritionally dense greens (Mustard/Turnip/Collard Greens, Kale, Spinach, Swiss Chard, Arugula, etc.) and wonderful herbs (Basil, Thyme, Parsley, Oregano, Mint & Rosemary, etc.).

Visit your local produce stand or farmers market and choose from the variety of fruits and veggies straight from the field, and often picked that very morning. These local harvests contain a great deal more nutrients than the store bought varieties. Filling your refrigerator with the foods listed below insures your body is filled with all the fiber, vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients it needs. Additionally, these wonderful nourishing foods, when eaten fresh off the farm have awesome detoxing properties.

Here’s a list of healthy choices, easy to find, nutritious and delicious summer detox foods. Try to incorporate as many as possible into each week through daily planning of meals you make yourself, for yourself and/or to share with your friends and family…


Berries (Blueberries, Raspberries, Strawberries & Blackberries are the most popular) and are some people’s favorite summer food. Oftentimes it’s possible to pick local and fresh from the “pick your own” farms in your neighborhood. Berries are an awesome way to start your day; they are light and refreshing and their high water content helps to rehydrate your body after a good night’s sleep. Berries are rich in vitamin C, phytonutrients (cancer fighters), and their rich colors can even help to elevate your mood. They are wonderful for breakfast or as an evening desert.


Cherries are not only rich in flavor; they are also known to contain potent anti-inflammatory properties and are great for gout and arthritis sufferers. They pack high doses of beta carotene, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, iron, fiber and folate. Cherries also contain high amounts of melatonin which is known to help regulate sleep patterns. Enjoy a small bowl of cherries in the evening an hour or more before bed. They are delicious warmed-up slightly with some sliced apples in a pot for desert.

Carrots, Yams & Sweet Potatoes

These rich orange vegetables always add a vibrant dose of color to any meal. Carrots and sweet potatoes not only help add a bit of sweetness to a meal they are loaded with vitamin C and beta carotene, (both powerful antioxidants). These fiber rich vegetables also help to sooth and cleanse the bowel plus they fill you up, boosting your energy levels as well.

Alliums (Onions/Garlic)

Two words that are often used to describe garlic and onions are pungent and aromatic. These are wonderful foods to add to any dish and can be enjoyed either raw or cooked. Both onions and garlic are known for their rich content of sulfur compounds (that’s what makes your eyes water when cutting an onion), they are also very active disease fighters and detoxifying agents as well. Onions and garlic both fend off infections and have been used as medicine for centuries. They help to support good bacteria in the bowel, fight cancer cells, kill viruses and bacteria, lower cholesterol and add a nice of flavor to any dish you make.

Dark Leafy Greens

Greens have an excellent reputation for packing in an extreme amount of nutrition in each and every leaf. , rich in vitamins, water and minerals bring energy and cleansing to your body when included in any meal. They are one of the richest sources of the B vitamins, insoluble fiber and phytonutrients; no afternoon or evening meal is complete without some greens, either fresh or lightly steamed on the plate. For vegetarians and those on a plant-based diet they is the best natural source of iron, B12 and folate. Because of their rich fiber content greens are digested slowly, creating nice even blood glucose levels and sustained energy.

Got Belly Fat? Yoga Asana Can Help!

Regular yoga practice can help greatly in the reduction of belly fat (superficial or subcutaneous fat) and fat deposits within in the body (visceral fat). Both these types of fat compromise our ideal appearance, but the visceral fat surrounds our internal organs, finding it way into our blood vessels (including the heart) and can pose some serious problems, even inhibit their function.

Superficial (subcutaneous) fat is often considered a “good fat” It’s the same type of fat,  that covers the face, arms, hips, and thighs. It can be pinched between the thumb and fingers and has certain health benefits, but only when it’s controlled.

There are several dynamic moves which can be added to the asanas which help in the reduction of the belly fat, such as twists and elongations.

Surya namaskar (Sun Salutation) helps to provide exercise for the whole body and helps the stomach to be free itself of fat while at the same time toning the body. Surya namaskar helps to improve flexibility of the spine and makes the limbs more flexible. While toning the entire body it burns extra cholesterol deposited around (and inside) the belly region.

Deep breathing exercises help to burn extra fat which is deposited around and in various organs of the body. Stomach lifts up and down along with proper breathing exercises show exceptional results in relatively short amount of time.

Now, on to some beneficial asanas…

Marjarasana (Cat Cow Pose) – Cat cow pose is sometimes referred to as simply the Cat pose. It’s another of the most effective yoga stomach exercises. It’s easily performed by beginners and leaves you feeling open and stretched. This is one of the few yoga stomach exercises that is safe for pregnant women. Move your body with your breath while performing this exercise for the best results.

Benefits: Cat cow pose is one of the best yoga stomach exercises for conditioning the abdominal muscles and increasing flexibility of the spine. It tones the abdominal wall and massages the internal organs. The exercise also helps clear out emotional baggage.

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) – This baby backbend can help compensate for all those hours spent hunched in front of a computer. Be patience as you learn the proper foundations of this pose, such as how to work the legs, pelvis, chest, arms, and especially the belly.

Benefits: Greatly assists in keeping the dorsal spine elastic and strong. Backache due to overstrain can be thus relieved. Also, helps considerably in reducing abdominal fat.

Navasana (Boat Pose) – The body comes into a V-shape, balancing entirely on the buttocks. In different variations and traditions, the arms legs and torso may take different positions.You may perform the boat pose with or without the assistance of yoga props.

Benefits: This asana strengthens the abdominal muscles, the legs and the lower back. It is said to relieve stress, improve digestion and aid the abdominal organs: kidneys, thyroid, prostate and intestines, plus

Try These 12 Tips for a Healthier Life…

Even if you do not practice yoga regularly (or at all), a health promoting lifestyle can still be very simple, inexpensive, and accessible. While you may (or may not) have heard these 12 tips before, you may (or may not) be actually practicing them.

Try the following list of tips – consider them as basic starting points which will serve as a call to action, enabling you to create sufficient time every day for increased health and wellness…

1. Breathe deeply. No need to wait until later, try it right now and see how you feel. Simply inhale completely until your lungs are full of breath. Now pause for a few seconds. Next, exhale all the way until your lungs are completely empty. Repeat two more times. This is really uncomplicated, but it is challenging nonetheless, and if done with awareness you’ll notice your thoughts often interrupt the process of conscious breathing. These three breaths will calm your nervous system, reduce stress, and move you into a state of relaxation. Take at least three deep conscious breaths every day, and eventually increase to once every hour.

2. Be “mindful” of what you eat and drink. Also remain conscious of why you’re choosing it. A little awareness can go a long way, so just be aware of what you’re putting in your body every time you eat something and then ask yourself; “Is this going to feed my body with the nutrients it really needs?” If your answer is “no,” and you eat it anyway; then ask yourself why you chose to feed your body with anything less than the best.

3. Drink Plenty of Water. You will notice that you feel better on the days that you drink more water (at least eight – 10 ounce glasses) than on the days that you don’t. When you’re properly hydrated you’ll be more awake, more aware, less hungry, and even more energized. Give it a try!

4. Move Your Body. Whether it’s a brisk walk, time spent at the gym, practicing yoga, or any other form of light to heavy exercise; make time to move your body in a conscious way (to the point of increasing your heartbeat and breaking a sweat), at least three times per week. Move your body with the intention of improving your health, not just your looks.

5. Meditate. Take at least five minutes every day to STOP what you are doing, and sit down on a chair, on the floor with your back against a wall, or on a cushion to clear your mind. You do not need to be by the ocean or somewhere pretty to find calm. You can meditate anywhere by visualizing the peaceful spot of your choice. In the beginning, set a timer if you need to and just allow your mind be clear, if intrusive thoughts arise (and they probably will) don’t fight, simply watch them like clouds passing in the sky. Five minutes is really not much time at all, and we have all wasted a lot more time than that doing something less meaningful and productive. As you use meditation to clear your mind, it will help put things in perspective, decrease perceived or anticipated stresses, and greatly improve your focus.

6. Get outside. Take time to commune with nature at least once per week whether it’s in your own backyard, a neighborhood park, by the seashore or in the mountains. Observe the trees, rocks, plants, grass, etc. surrounding you as you take nature in. Immersing yourself in the natural world will invigorate your spirits and remind you of the infinite beauty both on the outside and the inside.

7. Practice yoga and/or stretch. As we grow older we lose elasticity in our muscles and our joints often become stiff. One of the most beneficial things we can do for our physical body is to stretch. Increasing flexibility through stretching is one of the basic tenets of physical fitness. Watch your pets or wild animals and how often they stretch. At least once a day take the time to thoroughly stretch your entire body, especially if you tend to lead a sedentary lifestyle. Those who regularly practice yoga will testify to the health and wellness benefits of stretching.

8. Read inspirational literature. Stimulate your mind as much (and as often) as you can by taking time away from the computer, television or work station to read a book or magazine article. Reading helps you escape your regular conditioned thought patterns and inspire you to make improvements or be more creative with your life. Challenge yourself, and read a book or magazine article at least twice a week.

9. Pray, or exercise some form of devotion. Spend just a minute or two each day connecting with something bigger than yourself, and do this with a sense of gratitude, service and intention. This will create a sacred space in your life and help you to acknowledge the power and goodness inherent in all things.

10. Engage physical touch and closeness. It can be as simple as a hug or a pat on the back, or it can be a massage, but be sure to allow yourself time to give and receive some sort of physical touch every day. A therapeutic massage once a month can work wonders.

11. Think positive thoughts. Perhaps you won’t actually soar from thinking happy thoughts, but you will certainly eliminate (or at least offset) the stress that negative thought patterns can cause. By becoming aware of negative thoughts and words you may well be able to supplant them with positive ones instead. This prompts a new way of looking at things perspective, reduces unnecessary stress, and connects you to the joy inherent in your own life.

12. Last but not least, actually practice everything on this list. While you have probably read or heard all of the above ways to become healthier before, and you might even know them to be true, but, are you actually practicing them? Mentally acknowledging and doing are two different things. Let go of your excuses (or limiting beliefs) like a lack of time or money and see them for what they are – lame excuses, not real reasons. Just try putting forth the initial effort that it takes to include all of the above tools in your daily life and watch your health and vitality increase.